Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fraction Fun!

In math, we have started a new unit all about fractions.  Students are sharpening their skills every day about this new and exciting concept.  Here are some of the charts that we have made so far based on the work we have done. 

Notice that "drawing" fractions is NOT a strategy that we are using in class. Being able to accurately represent fractions (equal sized wholes and equal parts), is very difficult for students.  Therefore, we use other strategies to more accurately compare fractions. For example, when compare 3/8 and 5/6 students might compare them to 1/2.  Students might say "I know that 3/8 is 1/8 less than a half and 5/6 is 1/6 MORE than a half; therefore, 3/8 < 5/6." This method of comparing fractions is MUCH more accurate than attempting to draw a representation.

Using an inequality sign (<,>, or =) compare the following fractions: 5/8 and 2/4. Leave a comment with your answer! 


  1. Thankyou Mam for posting fraction charts here . It makes it easy for me to revise and go through it again .

  2. Love that the charts are accessible and printable by parents!

  3. i love how you teach us in science with all the cool labs and stuff!! love, Madeline Kaye

  4. I love school
    from Dalton

  5. I love math from, Tavisha Singh


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