Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We're "Scooting" Through Prefixes and Suffixes

Knowing the meaning of commonly used prefixes and suffixes is extremely important in a student's reading. With this knowledge students are able to figure out the meaning of some unfamiliar words that contain a prefix or a suffix. This afternoon students "scooted" through task cards while practicing this skill in a fun and interactive way. 


  1. this is awesome
    (sciense star unit)

  2. (scoot!) ha ha. i like playing scoot it is fun and not only fun but we are learning our suffixes and prefixes. love delaney

  3. I like the daily FCAT challenge reading log. This has been very helpful in keeping track of Madeline's reading. Thanks again for spending the time last week to provide information on the upcoming FCATs.
    From Madeline's mom

  4. i love scoot ally joyce


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