Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Young Scientists At Work

For the past few days, our young scientists have been working through the Scientific Method.  They have learned that the Scientific Method often includes the following steps: 1) Asking a Testable Question, 2) Forming a hypothesis, 3) Test with an experiment, 4) Record and analyze data, 5) Draw conclusions and Report results.

Today, our young scientists used the Scientific Method to answer the following testable question "How many drops of water fit on the face of a penny?" Students enjoyed experimenting and comparing results. Not all students got the same answer.  Students came up with the following list for WHY results may have differed: 1) The size of the drops might have been different, 2) A student may have miscounted, 3) The table might have been unbalanced, 4) A student might have pushed too hard on the eye dropper.

C.O.R.E. scientists, what was your favorite part of today's lab? Leave us a comment.


  1. I love what we are learning in class!! :)
    love JOHN

    1. You are a model student! We are so excited that you love learning! We love having you in our class!!!
      Mrs. Colclough and Ms. Russell


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