Monday, September 2, 2013

Reading with STAMINA!

This week in Reading Workshop, we have been really focused on building reading stamina.  Reading stamina is a child's ability to focus and read independently for longer periods of time without being distracted or without distracting others. Third grade readers should be able to read chapter books for at least 30 minutes at a time. They should read one book at a time, not starting a new one until the previous one is finished. Readers should be so into their books that they don't think about anything else, but what they are reading!  By Friday, we had so many excellent readers practicing amazing stamina. Some students were doing such a great job that they were picked to read in special comfy spots around the room!


  1. What awesome readers we have! How can you NOT get lost your book with comfy spots to read like that?! Thanks for being the most awesome reading teachers for our kiddos! :)
    -Miss Russell

  2. Awesome! Love that the kids love to read and have comfy spots to read! ~Tanya


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