Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Division Strategies

On Monday, students began looking at math story problems that involve division! Students quickly realized that division and multiplication story problems are related. In multiplication, you know the number of groups and how much is in each group, you are just trying to find the product.  In division problems, you know the total and you are either sharing or finding how many groups. 

In the opening lesson, students were asked to visualize the problems and model their thinking in whatever way made sense to them! The anchor charts below show a variety of different strategies for solving division problems.  The students are making incredible connections and their division work is progressing daily! Students will have a short, basic division quiz this Friday. 

Students answer the following question: 
Miss Russell has 18 pencils. She wants to share them with herself and two friends. How many pencils will each person get? 
Leave us your answer in a comment below. Don't forget to include your first name only! :) 


  1. I love math!

  2. This is my work. 18/3=6 and 3*_6=18. I divided because,I used the 18 as my total and my 3 is for the 3 friends. -Allison

  3. i am doing reflexmath love madeline

  4. great idea mrs russel now us kids can learn

  5. I love this new year

    from Lauren


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