Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflex Math

We are so excited to announce that Multiplication and Division is open and ready to use on Reflex Math. We have been working on multiplication and division in math workshop and this is a great way for your child to practice at home and reinforce what they have been learning at school! You can find a link on our blog under "Cool Math Sites". Your child has the log-in information in their planner.


  1. This looks like a good game because this little girl is not just haveing fun but she is also learning and playing at the same time,and but not only is she is leaning and playing she is also having fun wile she is doing those two things.When I get to unlock another game I will shearly get that game.

    from;Delaney A. Green To World

  2. I'm excited that reflex math is open for Multiplication and Division!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Carter Hodge.


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