Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stars Perception Lab

This past week in science, students started studying about stars.  One of the very first concepts that we learned about is that stars APPEAR to be very small points of light, when in reality they are actually just very FAR away.  In order to better understand this idea, students went outside and did a little experiment.  Students worked in teams to measure the size of a science book at different distances across the basketball court.  Students found that the closer the book, the larger it seemed. The further the science book, the smaller it seemed.

When we plotted the information on a line plot, we noticed that the data shifted.  

How does this experiment relate to our study about stars? 
(Leave your answer in a comment below. Don't forget to include your name in your comment.) 

1 comment:

  1. i like talking about stars i like talking about it so much i gave my dad a quiz about stars i think he got a B you guys give me good information about stars you guys are awesome teachers.-andy


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