Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Organizing our Math Work

This week in math, students have been solving multi-step problems. For example,
 Miss Russell baked 3 pans of cookies. Each pan has 10 cookies.  She dropped 12 of them and her dog ate them! (Bad Enzo!) How many cookies does she have left? 
Solve this problem and leave us a comment.

They have been working hard to write the information as expressions and equations. In skills block, students have learned how to solve problems containing parentheses.  Check out our classroom charts below:
Can you solve the problems on the second chart? Leave us a comment with your answers. 


  1. Miss Russell have 18 cookies left by Nathan

    1. R=85
    2. M=45
    3. H=25
    4. Z=130
    Love Nathan 😜

  2. Mrs Russell have 18 cookies left

  3. you arethe best teachers in the wrold


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